an integral part of the Association
since 2002
The House

Sam Cormick
Sam runs the house on a daily basis, Her duties include fielding all enquiries from the website, social media and from phone calls. Dealing with membership payments and preparing to welcome any newcomers. Managing the association takings and reporting to the Treasurer. Keeping the house in order, prep for any activities or upcoming events and ensure everything ABWM runs smoothly!
House Manager
Our House in Bangsar has played such an important role in the organisation for over 20 years.
It is used for meetings, small events, talks and workshops amongst other things, and most of all it is there if you just need to see a friendly face.
It is managed by Sam, who is extremely kind, knowledgeable and efficient.

A History
As the 21st century dawned...
membership of the ABWM was at a high of several hundred ladies. The Association was very active running numerous events and coffee mornings every month, and as these were often held in members’ homes or condo function rooms, a big ABWM box of crockery, cutlery and water boilers had to be continually lugged about town.
In 2002, after seeing how well-used the MANZA House was (Malaysian Australian New Zealand Association) the committee, under the leadership of Chair Sandra Rust, decided that the ABWM should finally take the plunge too.

Our first House was chosen for its excellent location, round the corner from Bangsar Shopping Centre at 12 Jalan Menerung 3. It was open from 10am to 2pm with a House Manager on hand, and it proved to be very popular once everyone got used to having our own base. Not only could we create a consolidated office and host Newcomers’ coffee mornings there, but we could also be the venue for meetings and many activities such as Bridge, Mahjong, Pilates, Yoga, Chinese calligraphy, Baby and Toddler Groups, Charity sales days, and much more.

The House was very popular and well-used and we didn’t want to leave, but in the summer of 2017 our lovely Landlord announced that she was putting the house on the market. Poor Tracey Ross, our Chair at that time, had barely 2 months to find us a new base. She and her committee worked really hard to find a similar house, and successfully moved the Association just a few hundred yards to our current comfortable location at 23 Jalan Telawi.
Sally Addington

We were all very happy there but the parking got harder and harder and the Landlord did not maintain the house well, so in 2009 Chair, Tracy Dale and her committee, moved the Association to 88 Jalan Terasek 8, Bangsar Baru. The premises were larger, parking was easier, the area was quieter, the rent was cheaper and it was a great success.